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Become A Travel Pro In One Easy Lesson

Get prepared.

I focus a lot on helping the first time or inexperienced traveler head out prepared and confident in themselves. Starting out as a old traveler can be intimidating. How do you jump into the gigantic travel fray and survive? How can you learn to love delays and long lines?

Tip #1 Do some kind of reading before you go. Know how long it is going to take to get there, and the time zone. understand how the cash converts and get a handle on local customs.

Tip #2 Be prepared before you leave home.
This includes a hide away funds belt, copies of your passport, two credit card, debit card, ATM card and traveler's checks. Take no over $500 funds.

Tip #3  Wherever you are headed, no matter what type of transportation, leave early for you departure terminal. It means less stress for you . . . a lot less stress for you.

Tip #4  Travel light. over two bag. Your bag should be a soft sided, durable over bag of ballistic nylon.

Tip #5  Most things run well in the travel industry. there's inevitable delays and cancellations. If you expect delays you are better prepared to deal with them. If things go well, and they usually do, you get a lovely mental lift as you travel.

Tip #6  Look like you have travelled all your life.
Appearance matters. If you do the above tips you will look and feel like a veteran traveler. Veteran travel pros DO get a higher level of treatment and service from people who work within the travel industry.

Tip #7  Be polite. This follows Tip #5 and #6. three-fourths of these people are inexperienced travelers. Many are stressed out, tired, cranky and rude.